Accordion Upcoming Events for Calendarize it!


Find all upcoming accordion events with Calendarize it! Keep your schedule in sync with the latest concerts, classes, and festivals. Tune in now!

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Numerous clients have inquired about fresh designs for the Upcoming Events Widget and List. We’re excited to share that we’ve launched the Accordion Upcoming Events. The standard Upcoming Events Widget from Calendarize it! includes nine distinct templates. With this addon, we’re introducing three new elegant and minimalist templates.

Since the introduction of Accordion Upcoming Events version 1.2.5, we’ve incorporated functionality to utilize the Taxonomy Filter addon dropdown menus and activated Geo Location. This allows for the displaying of events that are within a certain proximity to the site visitor.

Below, you can view the three varied templates available. These templates can be seamlessly integrated into your website content by using the shortcodes provided below along with various attributes.

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