Live Chat Complete

The software is open-source, and its licensing model requires just a one-time payment: one license covers one website. The platform can support up to 100 users simultaneously engaged in chat, which could include, for example, 10 operators and 90 visitors. This lightweight solution is designed to function within an iframe, ensuring that your page’s performance is not compromised; the chat widget activates only after your page has finished loading completely.

Additionally, the system offers support for multiple languages, integrating seamlessly with WPML and Polylang plugins. Its code is streamlined and clear. Multiple operators can concurrently respond to questions from the same user. An optional feature provides “Email notifications” for when a new visitor comes online. With SSL support, all communications between you and your visitors are securely encrypted.

The software has been thoroughly tested with the latest version of WordPress and is compliant with GDPR, guaranteeing user data protection (detailed information available at the end of the page). It also operates smoothly on PHP 7.2.

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